Day by Day cartoon

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

U R Stupid Dumbass If U Pay Retail Pri-cee

Is Teresa Heinz Kerry writing spam emails these days? That header was in my email a few minutes ago. I was so encouraged to read the entire email and see what's available-
- What you bought previously was go to shop & buuyy a WIND0WS XP Pro that comes with a BOX & serial number & the manual cosst 299.00

- What you will get from us is The full W1ND0WS XP Pro sofftwaree & serial number. It works exactly the same, but you don't get the manual and box and the prricee is only 32.00 . That is a savviing of 254.00
Why, why, why does anyone in the world think that I would be encouraged to do business, to spend my money, with a person as dumbass as this? Come on folks, isn't there anything else that these idjits could be doing than insulting me into buying their pirated software? Maybe Mr. Algore who invented the internet and is now unemployed could figure out a way to take away the internet connection forever to stupid people like the ones that sent me this email. Good Grief!

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